Tuesday 14 January 2014

Monday:...Inside my house...

Hmm so this is going to be a hard one as I'm trying to keep these things baking related, I thought I would begin this week with my kitchen. This isn't in fact in my house. When we moved into this wonderful house I've grown up in we built a house for my Dad's parents and a flat for my Gran either side of us. It was then converted into a kind of guesthouse for whenever we had people to stay but that doesn't happen very often....

..Soo when I came along wanting to start up my own business and needed a working kitchen this seemed like a perfect place. It's now been kitted out with a new oven and fridge and a few extra shelves and lots of various ingredients. I love how this place was somewhere I didn't quite like as it reminded me of my Gran and now that it's my workplace and I spend quite a few hours a week in here it's become one of my favourite places to spend my time.

Also as soon as you walk in the smell of cinnamon and gingerbread is always there....


  1. what a lovely kitchen to have as your workplace :)

  2. Wonderful post! Immediately apparent that this is the kitchen of a master chef!
    Success in your business!

  3. I think this is a great post ..to show your cook blog followers where it all happens ..and I hadn't seen it since dad put shelves up! Funny..The logs outside the windows looked like sea and coastline!

  4. What a wonderful workplace you now have, thank you for sharing it xxx

  5. a great workspace

  6. Wonderful large kitchen. Makes life easier.
