Saturday 1 February 2014

January Week 4: Views....

.. So would you believe it but I think this is about my fourth blog, I always start them but always fall behind after a few weeks then give up. I've been tempted to drop this blog already as I've been finding it hard to find relative photos to the prompts and also baking. Here's the new plan... I'm going to blog once a week following the overall weekly prompt, this way I can keep the photos relevant but still be here. 

Here's my views for the year, first my kitchen. I've used a similar photo on here before but here's my kitchen seen from the doorway. If you haven't already noticed I'm a bit of an OCD'er (not officially) but I do like things organised. This can be seen by my lovely shelves over my hob full of labeled pouring containers. My boyfriend always laughs at me as I've managed to retain the prices of containers and certain products in the supermarkets, so when we go shopping I always have to see if anything's on special offer...

Here's a view from over by the friges, hopefully by next months photo I may have a new industrial mixer in the left hand corner.

Then we have my second view my cooling table. This is in a different room but I only use it for storing baking while it's cooling, the first photo is from my Thursday market where I mainly make sweet doughs like currently Hot Cross Buns and Tarts.

And here's a photo from my friday market where I mainly make bread and lots of tiffin.....

See you guys next week x


  1. yes i know just what you mean and how you feel, i blogged today and said, i had good intentions but it never works out how i would like :) hope you manage the weekly blog. Great baking, as always. :)

    1. Hehe hopefully just blogging on a friday night will be better for me as that's when I generally have a bit of time free, I'm sure we'll both cling on. Thanks so much!

  2. Love your kitchen, Jordan, and how lovely to have a cooling room leaving your worktops clear

    1. It's defiantly handy, there's never as much room as I think or want :P x

  3. Congratulations for your work as a baker, dear Jordan. The JOB must always be first! / LOVE too - Smile/
    / The blog is merely an adjunct in life, I think./
    Good luck!
