Right so seconds post, albeit a little bit later than I
planned but the last two weeks ran away from me. The biggest thing I’ve learnt must be
that turning something you do because you love it into a way to make money is
pretty difficult.
So, I had my first four markets last week all over western
Cornwall and I think I’ve final found a routine that works. Again Chelsea buns
were big on the menu and also my Saffron buns that are improving with every day, I also had Tiffin (fridge cake for anyone born post 1990’s) a huge seller when
people know what it is. This astounded me as it’s so easy to make (there’s no
actual baking involved) but people seem to flock to it, there were also Spinach
and Feta Filo pies, some of the rare savories I make.
And on a wonderful note I've finally conquered macaroons, much harder than I thought when I first found the recipe for them and after 6 times I've got the hang of them.
Now any Great British Bake Off fans here? It too me almost a week to get around to finally watching the final and I have to say Frances deserved to win and her wedding cake was amazing! I want to make one now....
So after watching the technical I wanted to try to make pretzels and they are easier than I thought, if you have a chance try them! Oh and if you're having trouble finding malt extract don't worry, I never used it and didn't have any trouble.
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