Monday 21 October 2013

Me again...

I want to say it's going to be a third time lucky with me and a blog however that's not quite true as this must be my fourth or dare I say fifth attempt at writing and posting on a blog. This time I don't feel as if I have half as many distractions and I feel optimistic that I'll stick with this one.

So where to begin.

I'm Jordan (or J depending on what you like) and being a baker has been on my to do list since I was about 10, in-between then and now I've wanted to be a doctor, a paramedic, a graphic designer and many other things but I've always come back to being a baker. So finally after about 5 years working in kitchens doing various jobs and two years of college studying nothing to do with baking my mum told me to 'just pull you're finger out and go and do it, you've been talking about it for years.' Here I am, 18, not too many commitments, as far west as you can get in England (Cornwall) and the pipe dream to one day own my own bakery/coffee house all to myself, (and a few nerves but I'm ignoring them...)

I'm not quit sure why I'm writing the blog, I don't necessarily think it's going to effect my business much but there's something nice about sitting down and taking a minuet to think about what I've done and ponder....

Things that I bake:
Well that list has most definitely grown in the past month let alone the last year but my basics are obviously cakes, sweet breads like Chelsea buns, Saffron buns and many others, gluten-free cakes and I have a not so secret obsession with cupcakes. I've been learning to tame this obsession slowly but the way I see it there's nothing better than a perfectly proportioned piece of cake that hasn't been cut and is all yours. But then that's just me, this past summer I worked in a coffee shop and the varying size of cake slices were astonishing.

So as this is a first post I'm not going to go too crazy with the cakes and photos -I didn't think I would write this much when I started, but here's a photo of my most recent batch of chelsea buns, definitely a family favorite in my house.

The uniformity of my spirals lost to towards the end there....Still they tasted good.

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